Thursday, April 12, 2012

Diva in Residence

E-mail of 8/16/2010:


At the risk of epic understatement, it has been quite a week!  Elizabeth has been awesome and even been minimally compliant with all of the poking and prodding.  However, we all knew the diva would rise up and we have reached that Rubicon.  At one point, she had a red sock on one hand to prevent her from messing with her IV, which was somewhat comical as she would raise the "red flag" when she was about to make a statement.  She had an NG tube for feeding which was NOT popular (in fact she had summarily removed it while Kathryn had turned her back for two seconds last week.  That little rebellion was short-lived!) and a blood pressure cuff around her ankle that she took great joy in kicking off at every moment, sending nurses running in only to find her giving them that look of imperious pride in her accomplishment.        Yesterday, she had been seizure free for 48 hours and was frankly looking around as if to say , "Really, guys, what else do I have to do to get this tube out of my nose?!". So, our great doctor, Dr. Olson, took pity on Elizabeth and authorized the removal of the tube and the sock.  I should have warned him that this would only feed the diva-tude... In fact, we were thrilled to have these things gone. 

Elizabeth is doing well.  She has not had a seizure since Friday and is feeding like a champ. (and who says we can't do bottle feedings!  In your face evil dietician lady!) The medication cocktail seems to be working well and she has stabilized.  The doctors are all frankly astounded at how fast she has recovered and popped back. I could have told them about Elizabeth's knack for surprises, but it takes all the fun out of watching her and God work.  So, now we are watching her close and if there are no hiccups we could be home by mid-week. God is good...all the time!

Thanks again to each of you for your invaluable help, sweet notes of encouragement, and visits.    Kathryn and I are truly humbled by the prayers of you warriors. While this week was scary and stressful, it was also another opportunity to see the wonder and faithfulness of God working His mighty work.  It is simply astounding to see Him using a little 10 pound wonder to further His kingdom.  Thanks to you all for everything.  We aren't out of the woods yet, but we are enjoying the walk a bit more today.

I have attached Elizabeth's morning glamour shot.  She is rocking the new hairdo and is exhibiting that diva-tude with flair.  She's a rockstar! 

Matt (Head Roadie)

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